Tonight, Claire wanted to do some pretend cooking with her playdough. Hey, that's a great idea. So I set her up with a couple of varieties of playdough and a some plastic plates and cups. That made Claire pretty happy, and then she asked for a spoon. I gave her sort of a leftover spoon that we don't normally eat with. That way, she was not going to confuse her "playing" spoon with an actual "eating" spoon. When I handed Claire the spoon, she said she wanted a real eating spoon. I told her no, sorry, but we use the playing spoon for playdough. Usually Claire respects this type of rule reluctantly by peaceably. But not tonight. Claire suddenly started yelling "no no no no no no no no no no no no no no" over and over. It went on for literally 30 minutes, with her just sitting there in front of her playdough yelling "no" over and over. I did a few things around the house. Still, "no no no no no!" Finally I asked her to help cook our actual dinner, and that broke the cycle. She was happy again.
Kit gets this treatment much worse than I do. Kit can say, "Look, the sky is blue," and Claire will respond, "No, it's not blue. Why did you say the sky is blue?!" in a rather annoyed tone. They say this is a preview of the teenage years, and I can believe it.
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