The other day, Kit said, "Let's go to dinner, y'all" and Claire responsed, "I'm not a y'all!" We couldn't tell whether Claire was intentionally making a joke, but it was funny either way.
Today when I picked Claire up from daycare, her teacher, Ms. Laura, said "Goodbye, sunshine!" to which Claire, of course, responded, "I'm not a sunshine!" Claire had a coy smile on her face when she said it, so I think it was actually meant as a joke. Ms. Laura got a chuckle out of it too.

By the way, she does not just occasionally pretend to be Leo or Dora or whatever. She does it all the time, all day. You can never get away with calling her Claire, even during the course of an entire weekend. It is always, "I'm not Claire, I'm Leo", sometimes even if you did not actually call her Claire. You might simply say, "I'll be right back", and she will respond, "I'm not Claire, I'm Diego." I guess she just wants to be sure we know.
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